Whether you’ve never taken lessons on an instrument, or perhaps you’ve played for many years, I specialize in teaching foundational music theory principles in a way that they can be easily fleshed out on your instrument, simultaneously strengthening your personal musicianship and knowledge of the craft. Then, through individualized lesson curriculum and pacing, we adapt to your goals, whether composing, sharpening your aurals skills, or becoming a more skillful and tactful musician, bringing the best to and out of any ensemble with which you’re playing.
Tyler’s background ON THE SUBJECT
Tyler graduated summa cum laude from West Chester University of Pennsylvania with both a Bachelor’s (B.M. 2013) and Master’s (M.M. 2017) degree in Music Theory & Composition. While pursuing his graduate degree, Tyler served as a Graduate Assistant, tutoring students in all levels of music theory and aural skills.
Tyler returned to West Chester yet again in Fall 2019 as an adjunct music theory faculty.